Have college costs, especially at private colleges, become like airfares with every seat priced differently? As college costs rise faster than inflation, the actual price has become harder to discern. Everyone contemplating college costs should read this article from the Charlotte Observer: "Colleges all offer a breakdown of expected costs, but totals after calculating loans, scholarships and other financial considerations may vary widely depending on the family's situation, Lee Bierer writes. The most important thing for parents, Bierer advises, is to consider just how much debt the family can reasonably shoulder. This will come in handy when comparing what the federal government considers to be the "expected family contribution" -- the amount they think you can afford -- even if it's not the same as what you realistically can pay." It's a jungle out there! Get the details at: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/01/08/3770009/countdown-to-college-how-much.html