Project Renewment: a Retirement Model for Career Women

"For the first time in history, career women—women who have worked outside the home for most of their lives—are retiring. These women are highly skilled, educated and successful. They have achieved visibility, status and influence. And, because they are the first large group of American women to define themselves by their work, they have few, if any, models for retirement." 
"Bratter (a marriage and family therapist) and Dennis (an expert on the issues of aging, employment, and retirement) wrote a book, Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women, to communicate what they had learned and to help other career women make their own successful “renewment” transitions."
“Renewment” is a term that Bratter and Dennis created as an alternative to “retirement”—a word that is often associated with negative stereotypes and clichés. “In contrast,” they write, “renewment is positive, suggesting rebirth, choices, vitality, opportunity and personal growth.”  They further explained, “It implies that decisions about the next chapter of life can be intentional rather than defined by the needs and expectations of others.” "Their book also includes guidelines for creating and sustaining project renewment discussion groups." For more information, visit
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Project Renewment: a Retirement Model for Career Women
Project Renewment: a Retirement Model for Career Women
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5