Understanding Medicare

While Medicare eligibility begins at age 65, don't wait until your birthday to find out details and sign up.  You need to plan much further ahead to know what is covered, much that isn't, the costs of Medigap policies, and the premium costs which rise each year.
"Medicare is split into two different kinds of insurance. Original Medicare consists of Parts A and B and is taken by most people who turn 65. Part A pays for approximately 80 percent of hospital costs and deductibles apply, so if an extended hospital stay is required the costs still could add up."
"Part B is medical insurance and pays for about 80 percent of medically necessary services from doctors and some other health care providers. There is a monthly premium that is means tested based on the person’s income for the prior two years. The premium this year ranges from $104.90 to $335.70, depending on an individual’s income."
Part D "helps cover the cost of prescription drugs, but there are co-payments and co-insurance and there is a coverage gap once the recipient reaches a certain level of expenses where he has to pay the cost of drugs until coverage kicks in again."
"Part C of Medicare insurance is a Medicare Advantage plan that combines Parts A, B and sometimes D under one policy."  Read the full article for more details:
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Understanding Medicare
Understanding Medicare
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Rating : 4.5