Sept. 11 FPW: Savvy Social Security Planning

Join us on Wednesday, September 11 to hear SLC-based financial planner Suzanne Dalebout discuss: Savvy Social Security Planning: What baby boomers need to know to maximize retirement income.  Because we expect a larger than average turnout, we are asking for RSVPs. Please email Erica: to let her know which session you plan to attend: 11:30-12:30 at USU TSC room 336 OR 7:00-8:30 pm at the LOGAN LIBARARY BONNEVILLE ROOM.  The change in evening venue is for this program only. Bring your spouse, partner, &/or friends. Just let us know how many to expect so we can have sufficient handouts.
Check out the FPW blog for lots more info on how to decide when to file for SS retirement benefits:  then type “Social Security” in the search box. Christine Fahlund, a senior financial planner and vice president of T. Rowe Price Investment Services, has this to say about Social Security skepticism:  “One common misperception is, ‘I've put money in, but there won't be any for me.’ That irrational belief can drive people to start collecting it as soon as they are eligible - even if that may not be the optimal decision. Another viewpoint planners frequently hear is, ‘So what? It's not that much money anyway.’ In truth, differences in Social Security-claiming strategies can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars over a retiree's lifetime.”
Upcoming FPW programs:
October 9: Investor Psychology: Don’t let your brain undermine your investment plans.
November 13: Estate Planning: Don’t put it off any longer
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Sept. 11 FPW: Savvy Social Security Planning
Sept. 11 FPW: Savvy Social Security Planning
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5