5 of the Brightest Minds (and Ideas) in Retirement Planning

Money magazine asked five of the brightest minds in retirement planning for their big ideas. These are the brains that think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and are publishing their work in top financial planning journals and leading the think tanks.
Forget the 4% withdrawal rule: Wade Pfau, professor of retirement income, American College
You'll spend less as you age: David Blanchett, director of research, Morningstar Investment Management
Plan to pay for future health costs: Carolyn McClanahan, president, Life Planning Partners
Plan for the critical first decade: Michael Kitces, partner and director of research, Pinnacle Advisory
Social Security is the best deal: Alicia Munnell, professor of management, Boston College Read their recommendations: http://money.cnn.com/2014/02/26/retirement/retirement-social-security.moneymag/index.html
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5 of the Brightest Minds (and Ideas) in Retirement Planning
5 of the Brightest Minds (and Ideas) in Retirement Planning
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5