The Best Online Tools for Retirement Planning and Living

Wow! This Wall Street Journal article is a real keeper with links to excellent resources for retirement planning all in one place. "Apps and Websites Offer Help With Budgeting, Social Security, Lifestyle Planning and Other Essentials."
What Will You Do in Retirement?, which offers a free series of introspective exercises.
Longevity Forecasting:  Search for “Vitality Compass” in the “Live-Longer” section at "In addition to life expectancy, the calculator can forecast healthy-life expectancy, defined as the age someone will reach before being diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes or cancer. As a result, it can provide insight into the number of years a person might pay higher health-care or long-term-care expenses. It also offers tips for living longer."
How Much to Save: "Even with a realistic estimate of life expectancy, it’s virtually impossible to figure out how much to save for retirement or how long a nest egg might last without first knowing how much you’re spending and on what. Several programs, including Mint and Yodlee’s MoneyCenter, can put together a budget for consumers based on their past spending patterns and alert them when they are in danger of exceeding past thresholds."
Retirement Income Planning: "When planning retirement, saving money is half the battle. The other half: figuring out how to generate a steady paycheck throughout retirement."
Social Security Planning: "The tricky part is knowing when is the best time for each individual to start collecting. A growing number of online programs aim to help users peg the optimal claiming strategy." Financial Engines offers a free calculator:
Medical Care
Estate Planning
End-of-Life Care
This article is a terrific resource for all age levels, whether planning for yourself or assisting parents or grandparents. Check out:
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The Best Online Tools for Retirement Planning and Living
The Best Online Tools for Retirement Planning and Living
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5