Fair Divorce Decisions

Fair Divorce Decisions http://www.fairdivorcedecisions.com/
Laurence Kotlikoff, an economics professor at Boston University, started a sideline business to sell financial-planning software more than 20 years ago. When he recently went through a divorce he used the ESPlanner software to weigh proposed financial settlements and their impact on bothspouses. Now Mr. Kotlikoff and his firm, Economic Security Planning, are offering this type of analysis to others via the website FairDivorceDecisions.com.
“The service is geared to individuals and couples undergoing a divorce as well as to professionals such as lawyers, mediators and financial planners. For $500, users get a detailed analysis of four possible divorce settlements, focusing on the living standards that the two individuals can expect for the rest of their lives. Analyses of additional proposals cost $125 each.” “Users supply information including: the spouses’ current ages and expected retirement dates; taxable and retirement-account assets; salaries; post-divorce housing arrangements and costs; and entitlement to Social Security and pensions. The analysis includes the tax implications of different financial arrangements and also strategies to maximize Social Security benefits (the subject of a separate service Mr. Kotlikoff’s firm sells).” Quoted from The Wall Street Journal, “A New Way to Reach an Equitable Divorce Settlement” Feb. 5, 2015 by Karen Damato.
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Fair Divorce Decisions
Fair Divorce Decisions
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