A chance to help the people of Nepal

The devastating earthquake in Nepal is a reminder of how lucky we are to be safe, well-fed, and secure. The devastation from the earthquake is incredible and many villages which were totally destroyed have yet to receive any outside assistance due to the poor infrastructure, rugged terrain, and the bad weather that will only get worse as the monsoon intensifies. Having traveled in Nepal I wanted to make a contribution, but one that I felt confident would do the most good. So I contacted author Jeff Greenwald (http://www.jeffgreenwald.com/) who has lived in Nepal and has written extensively about the country. He recommends donations to Portland-based Mercy Corps which is a 501(c)3 IRS-approved non-profit. Mercy Corps meets all 20 of the Better Business bureau Wise Giving Alliance standards for charitable accountability as well as Charity Navigator's highest 4 star rating. 88% of funds go to humanitarian programs with only 12% spent on fundraising and administration. Greenwald worked with Mercy Corps in post-tsunmai Sri Lanka. According to Greenwald, "they are already in Nepal, have been for many years, and are excellent with their distribution of funds and resources." According to Mercy Corps, they have 90 people (many of them locals) working to distribute aid. Donations can be made at Mercy Corps' website: https://www.mercycorps.org/donate/survivors-need-your-help-now
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A chance to help the people of Nepal
A chance to help the people of Nepal
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5