Affordable Care Act resources available on

"The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, adds new health insurance coverage and financial assistance options for individuals and families. explains the tax benefits and responsibilities for individuals and families. This includes information about the individual shared responsibility provision and premium tax credit provision. It also provides basic information about how health insurance choices you make may affect the tax return you file.

IRS electronic publications include:
Watch the IRS You Tube videos for an overview of the individual shared responsibility provision and the premium tax credit. Subscribe to Health Care Tax Tips to understand the tax provisions of health care law. has the most updated information about the Affordable Care Act tax provisions for individuals and families. also provides information about rules and responsibilities for employers, as well as tax provisions for insurers, tax-exempt organizations, and other businesses."
(direct quote from IRS)
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Affordable Care Act resources available on
Affordable Care Act resources available on
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