5 New Year’s Money Resolutions

“New Year’s resolutions often involve eating better and exercising, but you can also use the start of the year to get financially fit” (The following tips are quoted from Associated Press writer J. Pisani).
1. Know where you stand. Begin 2014 with an overall view of your finances. Figure out your net worth.
2. Think small. Aiming to save a big pot of money can be overwhelming and set you up for failure. Instead of resolving to save $1,200 over the year, for example, break that amount into smaller goals.
3. Pay yourself first. Make any savings automatic.
4. Pay down debt. Tackle credit-card debt this year.
5. Save more for retirement. No matter your age, most people should be putting 10 percent to 15 percent of their income toward retirement….
For details and suggestions read the full article at:
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5 New Year’s Money Resolutions
5 New Year’s Money Resolutions
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5