- Remember reversion to the mean. If a company’s stock or the overall market has had unusually strong performance, it’s unlikely to continue at that pace.
- Forget the needle and buy the haystack. Invest in a diversified portfolio and eliminate individual company and stock risk. The odds of finding the next Apple are low.
- Have realistic expectations. Investment returns – and not speculative, risky plays – are the bread and butter of smart investing.
- Patience is your friend, impulse is your enemy. Buying and selling increases your odds of making a mistake. So buy a diversified portfolio and hold on to it to improve your odds of being rewarded.
- Minimize the croupier’s take. Look for funds with low fees, such as index funds. Funds with high fees can significantly reduce your investment returns.
5 Simple Investment Rules
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5