Romance novel touts bliss of financial independence

"Personal-finance tomes aren't usually bodice rippers with breathless sentences like: "She wanted him and couldn't wait to have him, was totally addicted to his touch and couldn't resist him."
But Boca Raton financial planner Kathleen Grace, 46, wanted to explore women's emotions about money and love – and how those feelings can interfere with managing money.
So Grace, who co-founded Excelsior Capital Advisors, hired a romance writer to help her create a modern fairy tale of Cinderella — "Cindi," a fashion designer in South Florida who is afraid to talk about money in fear of displeasing her current heartthrob of a husband."
"Prince Not So Charming: A Romantic Tale of Financial Independence," which is sold on Amazon for $12.06. Read more about the "bodice ripper" from,0,1933919.story
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Romance novel touts bliss of financial independence
Romance novel touts bliss of financial independence
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5